Paige Stone

Paige Stone


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About Me

Hey everyone!

To start off my name is Paige. I'm fifteen years old and am a sophomore in high school. I love drawing and that led me to making characters and stories. I know write them for my own amusement but I like seeing what others think of my stories. I'm not the best writer but I'm trying to be a little better, I have time. I love writing and reading fantasies. There so more interesting and different, I think. I don't really like non-fiction well, I'll watch a non-fiction show but books I can't read them. I've only been able to read a few and it was for a class.

Music is what gets me inspired most, but anything gets me inspired. My favorite band would HAVE to be Paramore. I just looooooove them. But I listen to anything from rock to country. I just don't listen to rap and hip hop. I only like hip hop as dance music otherwise, not so much.

Some favorite books of mine are Warriors Saga, Twilight Saga, Buffy The Vampire, Catcher in the Rye, Romeo and Juliet, and a few more I can't think of right now. Authors I love are Erin Hunter, Stephenie Meyer, Steven King, James Patterson, and Avi.

Also the three most important things to me in my life are God, my friends and my family. Without them I would be nothing, literally.