Texas Ink

Texas Ink


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San Antonio, TX
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About Me

Hello, my name is Adam I am twenty-two years old and am from San Antonio Texas. Tell you the truth I wanted a site to visit where I could share some of my own writings with other people, maybe get some criticism and some help and in return I would like to read some other peoples writings. I don't know how many people use this web site I just google searched for a "writing community" and this place came up so ya. For the most part I write short stories and your typical essays for school and what have you. What I really hope to achieve with everyones help is to further develop my joy for writing into something serious, I casually write when I have the time but find myself likeing it more and more with each new story. Like any exercise practice makes perfect so lets do this!


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Posted 16 Years Ago

Since you inspired me to start my own group here ... I would love to read more of your work!