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About Me

My name is unique so I am going by The Solo Butterfly as a way to... disguise myself a bit.

I was born on a snowy day in the year 1985. My life began somewhat interesting when I was born along with two girls who look identical to me. I was the middle triplet and often the one that was alienated.

Soon I found that not only did I feel like I was not accepted by them but the world also.

As an introvert I often spend most of my time alone. I never had any real long-lasting friendships but around 2007 I began to find almost subtle friendships online, through an online webcam community where I experienced a bit of short lived fame by being... myself. It was great.

Now I am a bit older and into spending time wisely instead of goofing off in front of that Logitech 5000.

So ---zooooooooooooom!
Here I am. It's almost the summer of 2010. The future is here I have nothing to offer myself. I look back and see a dirt road behind me, nothing built upon it but a high school diploma lying on its ground as my only accomplishment.

I have lived a life of poverty but I realize I can equip myself with available resources to make something of myself, even if that means doing something productive a few times a week. Even if it's only... writing.

And that, you wonderful random person, is why I am here.

It would make me smile internally if you were to leave a comment, whether to say hi, or just stopping by or to state an opinion of what you may think about any work I've posted.

Good day and farewell until next time.
~The Solo Butterfly


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Posted 14 Years Ago

- The glory of the universe is like a lotus flower gazing upwards towards ecstasy in spiritual exaltation. We are like beauteous doves who by embracing Mother Natures power and love make dreams a reality. Your soul is a great source of happiness and if you reach inside your essence you will find that the Angels and the Universe are enjoying a cosmic dance of joyous optimism. Live, love and Dance!

- Micheal Teal