Kamuela Vance

Kamuela Vance


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Honolulu, HI
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About Me

A modern day cowboy and patriot, Vance has been influenced by writers such as Hunter S. Thompson, Charles Bukowski, and William S. Burroughs.
He spends his time writing poetry, short stories, and commentary on social and political issues.
He likes all kinds of music ranging from classical, reggae, alternative, country, rock, and pop.
Vance enjoys movies from all genres and books on all topics.
He enjoys hiking, camping, nature and the outdoors.
Vance has journeyed throughout the US and experienced the human condition and conflict.
He has learned first hand, and received his education in the cities of our nation.
As a hobby he also fights for truth, justice, and the American way.
Kamuela Vance now lives happily exiled in the big city of Honolulu, Hawaii.
He is a member of the Hawaii Writers Association, and a Columnist for TheIneptOwl.com.