Laljee Verma

Laljee Verma


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New Delhi, Dwarka, South West Delhi, India
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About Me

Laljee Verma is a medical graduate, served with the Indian Armed Forces for about four decades and retired from the post of Director General of Medical Services, Indian Air Force, in the rank of Air Marshal. Laljee is a well-known Indian poet and author. His published works include poetry in Hindi and English and books on scientific and philosophical topics in English. He has published three Hindi poetry books, one Hindi drama, two English poetry books, a book on Karma philosophy, and one book on socio-political issues of India. His latest is - "Womb of Time", an epic poem in English. The theme centres around the concept of Time, and its relationship with God on the one hand, and humanity on the other. Titles can be viewed on and
Published Books:
Hindi Poetry: वातायन, मुट्ठी भर धूप, सरकंडों के बीच, कही-अनकही. Hindi Drama: दुविधा, Hindi Technical: चिकित्सीय अपशिष्ट प्रबंधन, एक व्यवहारिक दृष्टिकोण.
English Books: 1. Nimbus – an anthology of English poems 2. Managing Healthcare Waste, a Practical Approach, 3, Indians in the Mirror View of a Common Man, Essays on Politics, Governance and Cultural Identity of India.
Of late, his focus shifted to philosophy and religion. And the result was the following two books:
4. Karma, Its Practicality and Relevance in Day-to-Day Life.
5. Womb of Time, an epic poem in English.
He is currently working on an unusually difficult topic, ‘Knowing the Self, Discovering the Mind, A quest into Self-Identity’. The author is aware that many books are available on the 'Know Thyself' topic, which denotes the complexity of the subject. This is another effort, but with a distinctly different approach.
Another area of interest Laljee pursues is Waste Management towards environmental protection. He is internationally known for his pioneering work in Hospital Waste Management in India, and he pursues it with unusual zeal. He invented a machine for food waste management through non-burn technology and holds a patent for the invention.