W. Barrett Munn

W. Barrett Munn


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About Me

I'm Winston.

I spend two hours each morning trying to find that "self-forgetfull, totally useless concentration" that Elizabeth Bishop wrote about that allows art to be both made and enjoyed. I try to write poems that are "hard to get rid of," as Carl Sandburg put it.


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Posted 2 Months Ago

Hey Winston, you still don't allow comments on your work but I did want to say I enjoyed "the Changeling" very much indeed. Fine stuff. Yo0u say a whole lot with very little.

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Posted 5 Months Ago

Winston... you've made yourself quite exclusive on this site...
we know only certain poets can see your work...
not a good way to start off 2024!
remember the old phrase give and take?????

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Posted 6 Months Ago

Hey Winston, I know you don't allow comments on your work, but I did just want to say I enjoyed it very much. Cheers!

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Posted 6 Months Ago

Hi Winston, Happy New Year💐.
I wish you the very best and that all your wishes for this year come true.
Take care

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Posted 8 Months Ago

happy Turkey Day!
I had a burger, LOL
take care :P

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Posted 1 Year Ago

...prayers for Jacob!

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Posted 1 Year Ago

You can find my latest published poem in Copperfield Review Quarterly here:

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Posted 1 Year Ago

"Substitute 'damn' every time you're inclined to write 'very;' your editor will delete it and the writing will be just as it should be." —Mark Twain

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Posted 2 Years Ago

You can read my latest published poem at Speckled Trout Review, May 2022 online.