Tiny Drop : Writing

Rantings of a Drunk

Rantings of a Drunk

A Story by Tiny Drop

--------------------------- / -- "One more."I grunt to my own empty glass as I down the burning amber liquid in a swift movement."You have drank enoug..
A Boy and his Olive Tree

A Boy and his Olive Tree

A Story by Tiny Drop

There's a little boy up the hill, where a lonely olive tree stretches its long arms to the sun. His hair is blonde, as blonde as the dry grass which ..
The smile that's mine alone

The smile that's mine alone

A Story by Tiny Drop

They say you know it, when it happens. It feels like a gush of wind through your face or like a wave rushing through your hair, throwing you into a se..
Blue Flame

Blue Flame

A Book by Tiny Drop

The End

The End

A Chapter by Tiny Drop

My eyes drifted high to the sky - its green pale as never before, for my tears had smudged the lively colour to a light silvery turquoise. I had lost ..

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