Ghost Writer : Writing

The Meds

The Meds

A Chapter by Ghost Writer

He isn't a dick really, he just knows the exact thing to say to piss me off. Probably some s**t to test my patience, he thinks I'm a bi- polar schizop..
Coffee Shop Cuddles and Letters in Stories

Coffee Shop Cuddles and Letters in Stories

A Chapter by Ghost Writer

My favorite coffee is from a little café that me and Max lovingly nicknamed Mugged, he would always call me on his way back to our house and s..
When I Die, I'll Only Leave This Story About My Love

When I Die, I'll Only Leave This Story About My Lo..

A Chapter by Ghost Writer

I'd like to think that when I die someone will care, someone will be there to miss me because they couldn't imagine living a day without me. There's ..
Our Puppy Misses Max Too

Our Puppy Misses Max Too

A Chapter by Ghost Writer

Max wanted to get a dog when he was younger but his parents would never let him have one because he didn't do his chores regularly, the thought a dog..
Max's Birthday Without Max

Max's Birthday Without Max

A Chapter by Ghost Writer

Max decided that him and Frankie would share a birthday, their birthday is October fifteenth. Since we got Frankie, I have made two cakes one for Max..
Memories and Cigarettes

Memories and Cigarettes

A Chapter by Ghost Writer

I used to watch Max smoke, it was like art to me. He would delicately hold the cigarette between his fingers and light it carefully, then set it betw..
Breakfast With Frankie

Breakfast With Frankie

A Chapter by Ghost Writer

Yesterday I finished making a dog safe birthday cake for Frankie. Frankie is four and Max should be twenty three, only eighteen months younger than m..
The Last Time Max Was In The Hospital

The Last Time Max Was In The Hospital

A Chapter by Ghost Writer

The last time Max was in the hospital I brought him a different kind of flower everyday. The room was full of orchids and roses and lilies and daisie..
Max Died

Max Died

A Chapter by Ghost Writer

Max died on May twenty second at 11:36b am in a dumb brightly lit, overly cheerily painted hospital room full of flowers that I brought to him. The ..
The End

The End

A Chapter by Ghost Writer

Today is October fifteenth 2007, today Max would turn twenty six.It's been four years since Max died. Four years and three hundred sixty three days s..