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About Me

Hey my name is Imani. I'm 22 year old. I graduated from NYU as a prelaw and psyc major and I moved to OH to be with my friend and now go to University of Akron Law School i love it there i guess its because i'm wit my boo. I'm bi sp yea get over it. O yea and I'M NOT BUTCH I'M VERY VERY VERY MUCH FEMMY. I'm from PA and currently live in OH obviously. I'd really like to get to know people on here and read their work.

p.s. yes those are my pics if you wanna know why they're all done up get to know me and I might tell you.... I want people to like me for me not for what I have or what I've done/am doing.


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Posted 14 Years Ago

hey beautiful..i have up down here there hell and computer broke about three times..i share it with the family..noone its always full of viruses i always gotta fix it..i work my a*s off, and i am tired when i come home.. i could go on forever with what is going on but its too much to type here..aaron lost his job, and is now working for l.a. fitness maybe a blessing? i dont no yet..i will say its hard being the only income in the past 6 weeks....a new yr is coming so i work on a new i said to m uch to say here..SO MUCH HAS GONE ON..CHANGED EVOLVED..MY HEAD IS IN A are you???? we will have to catch up....i promise...and i havent found my muse in such a long long time, i am so overdue for a good write.. i got two books 'in my head' two titles and i even have a chapter on each..if the rest of my life would calm down i could get to it....your still beautiful and i miss u very much xoxoxox

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Posted 15 Years Ago

your sweet, same here, i wish u were with me rite now..

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Posted 15 Years Ago

your sweet, same here, i wish u were with me rite now..

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Posted 15 Years Ago

wow its nice to hear from you how the hell are u????? i havent beenonline i apologize..i moved, and dont have a computer desk and chair it hurts to type on the floor.. plus i been sick for over two mos, i go into the hospital monday... endoscopy, biopsy, check for polyps..colonoscopy...the works...i have had a fever for two mos..vomit alot, so my sincere apologies.. i just have not been on all..i need furniture girlfiriend bad...but i moved to the country..south its awesome quiet...gotta park right over my balcony great for the kid...i still got the same email feel free to use it anytime.. how r u? the family? i wish u peace and love in 2009, i have missed you sweety..your still beautiful to me..mwaaahh.

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Posted 15 Years Ago

MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR from all of us at Pereira da Silva Art Gallery

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Comment Graphics and Myspace Layouts at

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Posted 16 Years Ago


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Posted 16 Years Ago

aww my lil suga buga..worked out all day? on what? i am a really good trainer...but my flat white girl a*s needs a work out ..BAD...damn I am lazy.. ha ha challenge...none i gave the cash dept hell..really bad... i will be written up..thats ok, beats being bored...ummm, u dont need to work out.

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Posted 16 Years Ago

you are amazing ..wish u were at work with me rite now...bored out of my least I would have beauty to see...kisses n hugs xoxoxox

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Posted 16 Years Ago

i know u do suga buga....u must cuz u say I am beautiful...but really its you...I CANNOT WAIT FOR JULY.........CAAAANNNNNNNT WAAAAIIITTTTT!