Zee Langa : Writing

My Company

My Company

A Poem by Zee Langa

A lonely heart finding company in another.
First time

First time

A Poem by Zee Langa

That first moment you experienced with someone you love.
Fading heart

Fading heart

A Poem by Zee Langa

When sadness is overwhelming you.
End, Middle, Beginning

End, Middle, Beginning

A Poem by Zee Langa

The end of the past, a beginning of a new love.
Do you?

Do you?

A Poem by Zee Langa

Question to your lover's heart.
Departure of trust

Departure of trust

A Poem by Zee Langa

That moment you think trust is slipping away from you.
Days without you

Days without you

A Poem by Zee Langa

That moment when you miss your other.
Chemistry unshaken

Chemistry unshaken

A Poem by Zee Langa

That moment you feel that what you share is beyond human knowledge.
Caged bird

Caged bird

A Poem by Zee Langa

How could I forget your face; It is engraved in the deepest parts of my sorrow. The pain you caused me physically doesn't even touch the surface of ..
Beauty sky

Beauty sky

A Poem by Zee Langa

Exploring the beauty hidden in the sky.

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The Shadow On My Shoulder
There is an angel who sits upon my shoulder who goes by the name of Death...
Compartment 114
Compartment 114