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Prestonsburg, KY
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About Me

Hey, I'm Cole. I'm 17 and I attend Prestonsburg High School where I'm a senior. I've learned fairly recently that even best friends come and go so treat them like they'll be gone tomorrow. I'm a Christian and I hope one day to go into a ministry of some sort like becoming a missionary or pastor (and also get a degree for education). I'm in the PHS honor choir where I have learned everything I know about singing =P I'm also on the PHS academic team where I do quick recall and pretty much whatever else I'm told to test in, lol. I've been told my personality molds to fit whoever I'm with based on their personality. But I see myself as a pretty mellow guy but with a short fuse for people who start drama.

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Posted 15 Years Ago

Hello! :)

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Posted 15 Years Ago

Thank you for accepting me!

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Posted 15 Years Ago

thank you for the review! :]

-shoujochi (^.~)