Zoe Richardson : Writing

A Little Common Sense

A Little Common Sense

A Poem by Zoe Richardson

"Those who sacrifice liberty for a little temporary security deserve neither liberty nor security." - Benjamin Franklin


A Poem by Zoe Richardson

I was watching a documentary on Amelia Earhart and this popped into my head.


A Poem by Zoe Richardson

What a book represents and what images come to mind when I hear the word "book."
And The Money Owing

And The Money Owing

A Poem by Zoe Richardson

Every action has a consequence. There's a price for every act. Love costs, sometimes more than you are willing to give.
St. Nothing Of Nowhere

St. Nothing Of Nowhere

A Poem by Zoe Richardson

It's really a song, about death in the middle of a failing relationship. Trying to wrap my brain around the loss.
The Clock Dancer

The Clock Dancer

A Poem by Zoe Richardson

I Imagined watching a beautiful a young girl at her first ball. This is what came to mind.
The Cheshire Queen

The Cheshire Queen

A Poem by Zoe Richardson

This is what it feels like to be unwanted. To haunt your own home while you are still alive.

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