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Inertia says that we live our lives on a tedious, fixed path of an endlessly smooth road, straight as a pencil. If inertia just kept us going and there were never any seat-belts to send reality in waves down our spines, what would we really amount to? So, people like to be daring and adventurous and claim that their journey through life is full of twist and turns: funny adventures, devastation, heartbreak. In their lives, times will sometimes be tragic, but everything is so awesomely awesome most of the time, and they generally have pleasant memories to look back on in the last moments of their death. When their time comes and soil is generously mounted over their feet, they will rot pleasantly and sink back into the earth and make the dirt rich with nutrients again.

For me, the world tilted and slid beneath my feet. And when I reflect back, I realize how eagerly I would have traded the dull, monotonous life in exchange for my own, had I been given the choice. I know when I'm dead, my tainted soil will kill every tree in it's path and destroy every native plant in its wake.