Zutaki : Writing

Skin Deep

Skin Deep

A Book by Zutaki

A Mass Effect fan-fiction. Commander Jason Kael is called in with his squad on a mission, a mission leads him on an adventure that will forever change..
Chapter 1: The Beginning of it all

Chapter 1: The Beginning of it all

A Chapter by Zutaki

The Tale begins
Chapter 2: Hell In A Hull

Chapter 2: Hell In A Hull

A Chapter by Zutaki

Things complicate quickly
Chapter 3:Alive Yet Changed

Chapter 3:Alive Yet Changed

A Chapter by Zutaki

Kael awakens alive, yet notices something different
Chapter 4:Nothing's The Same

Chapter 4:Nothing's The Same

A Chapter by Zutaki

More questions than answers are revealed
Chapter 5: A New Test

Chapter 5: A New Test

A Chapter by Zutaki

Jason begins his work for Terra Infractus
Chapter 6: Haunting Thoughts

Chapter 6: Haunting Thoughts

A Chapter by Zutaki

My sleep was fitful; haunted by my memory. I saw my squad lying dead, ripped apart from a force unknown. I saw them in crossfire, pinned..
Chapter 7: Broken Home

Chapter 7: Broken Home

A Chapter by Zutaki

Chapter 7:Broken Home I moved up into the cockpit with all my equipment ready, with a cold determination filling my veins. A doom loomed overhead..
Peace At Last

Peace At Last

A Poem by Zutaki

A poem dedicated to those who stood with me through hardships
The Unappreciated Beauty

The Unappreciated Beauty

A Poem by Zutaki

Written for a friend who thought herself so unloved

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