Aron Duhon

Aron Duhon


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beaumont-denton, TX
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About Me

30, male, all i want to write about is love, loss, girls, god, sex, death, the rest is immaterial


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Posted 17 Years Ago

I had a look at the James story, and left a comment. overall, i really do like your writing, but i would like to see you stop pulling your punches. I know its difficult, it is in our nature to distance ourselves from the things that are the most taboo, both of sexual and violent nature. I think right now, the biggest hurtle will be removing that sense of distance, and accepting that the dark subject matter is what it is.

If you like we can swap back and forth on it, and find some insight and compromises on it.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

got to be more subtle? perhaps. but for my flavor i like it rough. i just want something that sticks in the mind a little longer than a 10 minute finger-fest... dont get me wrong, i love a good, hot scene...but in context of something i would have read anyway. its like frosting. great on a cake, but too much straight out of the can.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

thank you for the wonderful review on 'Purr'. To be honest, i am not sure that i quite expected a compliment on the piece. You, my dear, are a bit of a puzzle to me.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

making friends i see.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Little man, your mind so free,
you don't know anything about me...

You come to my house with your holy crap,
don't think I will fall in your blessed trap.

Of Byron, Shelley, Whitman and Keats,
I know more than needs to be preached.

My education would rival nearly any,
and my experience is varied and many.

Ok, enough of the rhyming s**t. I have more friends that you would want to deal with and I am tired of this crap. I see by looking you have abused other friends of mine as well, so I can tell that you have little in your life to keep you happy and that you have to go around insulting others to give you something to do with your time. That is fine, I am not going to be too bothered by your idiocy. I am warning you now though, back off. You don't want to start this fight with me because I will not whimper and cower and back down. You will not like where it leads. Leave me and mine alone...

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Erotic Goddes is one of the best damn writers on the site and hastotally helped me with my writing. From the erotic to the fiction and fantasy.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Thanks for coming by to read, you are free to enter the contest and show us all how proficient you are & how you can pull it off. Good luck & cheers.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

You come unarmed to battle me
running at the mouth, intellect free

your stupidity shows
through the words you chose

you came to my site and called me trite
Claiming to know my c**t's not tight

What do you know, teeny- weenie man
only c**t you had was the palm of your hand

being so small,I'm sure tightness is hard to find
blame goes to your microscopic piece, hon, not mine

don't think me weak because I'm being kind
I would say more but you're simply not worth my time

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Posted 17 Years Ago

what's with the friggin good reveiws aye?? look after yourself, peace bro!

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Posted 17 Years Ago

I expressed my opinion regarding the comment in the review.