Aida Rose

Aida Rose


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Lahaina, HI
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About Me

Hey. I guess this is where i tell you all this cool stuff about myself, right? Well, lets see. I'm not sure if i'm cool or not that's up to the people who meet and know me. I would say that i'm a nice person, who enjoys the arts too much. Change is a good thing, at least that's what i think. Music is a big part of my life. I'm quite independent most of the time. My friends and i are a peculiar bunch, can't help but love us. :] I'm who i am and i enjoy it, but i don't mean that in some absorbed way. Singing is my passion it's in my blood. I enjoy meeting new people and experiencing new things. I'm not what you would call your typical person but who is now a days, right. I will admit i find myself in a bore most of the time. When i'm out and about though i find myself in crazy situation, on a good day that is. :p
Hmm. It seems i've run out of things to tell. Thinking of things about myself off the top of my head doesn't work out very well. :]