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About Me

I have been writing and creating books since I was five. I now run Tangent Literary Arts Magazine, a print publication based in Buffalo, NY. I just graduated with my bachelor's in psychology and currently work as a mental health counselor. I am engaged to a sweet, honest man who tells me everyday how beautiful I am. We never fight about anything except which submissions to include in the issues of Tangent. He is also a writer, with a very different style than my own. My writing is usually based on reality, how I see the world and how it makes me feel. I am honest and open in my writing; it often reveals parts of my psyche that people don't expect.

On the outside, I appear to have an ideal life. But it's just an illusion. There's always more to the story; you just have to dig deeper.


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Posted 16 Years Ago

Thanks ikia.. i just changed it.. and that sentence you pointed out
was right on .. hope you get a chance to see the revision..

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Hi love, I submitted a piece to your contest. I hope it finds you in good health and happiness. Take care, and feel free to stop by my page any time. I wish you much success. xo -D.E.