Lyn Anderson : Writing

Winter Solstice

Winter Solstice

A Chapter by Lyn Anderson

it's all up hill from here.
I count them one by one

I count them one by one

A Chapter by Lyn Anderson

thoughts when I am not with you
The universe has a funny sense of humour

The universe has a funny sense of humour

A Story by Lyn Anderson

Just some thoughts I had one day
Everyday poetry

Everyday poetry

A Chapter by Lyn Anderson

I can't stop smiling - on review comments by Barley Girl
impeccable freckles

impeccable freckles

A Chapter by Lyn Anderson

for Lydia -- who is so damned good at recounting lost loves. For Neville -- whose romantic adventures always entice, and to Relic -- who regrets his r..
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the obstinate moon

the obstinate moon

A Chapter by Lyn Anderson

a little ditty
Mind scribbles while I listen

Mind scribbles while I listen

A Chapter by Lyn Anderson

some thought strings from an afternoon
Not your hue

Not your hue

A Chapter by Lyn Anderson

who knows what might have been
so many 11s

so many 11s

A Chapter by Lyn Anderson

Remembrance Day, 2018
I never do

I never do

A Chapter by Lyn Anderson

nope, not that