Annalisa : Writing

Illusionary Strength

Illusionary Strength

A Poem by Annalisa

Used everyday by everyone In many different forms and styles. Responsible for relaying ideas, They hold the power of misunderstandings, Hurt feeli..


A Poem by Annalisa

This is crap. Complete and utter crap. But it's the best of what I've been able to do recently so I'm posting since I haven't posted something is fore..
Under the Cover of Night: Vampires in Literature as Metaphors for Sexual Deviance in Society

Under the Cover of Night: Vampires in Literature a..

A Book by Annalisa

This is a essay. A HUGE essay. I don't expect many people to read it, but since I have spent the last year writing and nothing else i felt like I need..


A Chapter by Annalisa

Anglo-American culture has long struggled with the idea of sexuality, and has tended to view sexual expression through a lens of morality. During the ..
The Vampire: A Historical Perspective

The Vampire: A Historical Perspective

A Chapter by Annalisa

Historically, every region of the world has a creature that resembles the vampire—demonic creatures that come to life at night and drink human b..
Myths and Monsters in Society

Myths and Monsters in Society

A Chapter by Annalisa

Joseph Campbell, noted mythologist of the 20th century, writes that mythologies and the characters that populate them rise out of our own beings in re..
Textual Analysis Part 1: Sheridan J. LeFanu's CARMILLA

Textual Analysis Part 1: Sheridan J. LeFanu\'s CAR..

A Chapter by Annalisa

Of all of the vampiric novels that will be examined in this thesis, LeFanu’s Carmilla may carry the most intense sexual tension. The plot of Car..
Textual Analysis Part 2: Bram Stoker's DRACULA

Textual Analysis Part 2: Bram Stoker\'s DRACULA

A Chapter by Annalisa

Stoker’s plot is nowhere near as reliant on sexuality as Carmilla, yet there are numerous examples of deviant sexuality and the vampire’s ..
Textual Analysis Part 3: Anne Rice's INTERVIEW WITH THE VAMPIRE

Textual Analysis Part 3: Anne Rice\'s INTERVIEW WI..

A Chapter by Annalisa

Anne Rice is mainly known for two of her book series, the first her Vampire Chronicles, which will be examined shortly, and her erotica series The Sle..
A Campbellesque Conclusion

A Campbellesque Conclusion

A Chapter by Annalisa

Joseph Campbell would situate the manifestation of vampires in both the Western and Eastern realms of mythology. The Victorian vampire was clearly see..