Art as a Force for Social Change

Art as a Force for Social Change


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* Art * Music * Poetry * Dance * Protest * Revolution * Vision *

THE NEED FOR CHANGE IS APPARENT. By using creativity YOU can be a source for social change.

Revolutionaries have relied upon art for centuries to promote social change. Now, more than ever, it is time for art to play that crucial role in our lives. Create change by creating!

There are aspects of our society that need changing. If you are aware of these changes and wish to make them heard, do something about it! Write! Create! You have the power to promote social change. If we band together and voice our opinions, THEY WILL BE HEARD, and we WILL MAKE A DIFFERENCE!

So start writing! Write poems, short stories, essays, cartoons, articles, haikus, memoirs, anything, that has to do with social change, and then submit it to our new publication called "Art as a Force for Social Change." We are now taking submissions of any kind of art or writing that pertains to social change. Send your work to [email protected].

The topic can be about any kind of issue that you think needs changing. These changes might include global concerns such as global warming, hunger, or violence. They might be national concerns, such as issues with our government or health care system. They could be social issues such as discrimination by sex, race, or sexual preference. You can even talk about smaller issues that deal with your community or family. Nothing is too big or too small.

Whatever you feel needs to be expressed should be expressed, and this is the time and place to do it.

Create change by creating!

* Together * We * Can * Create * Change *