Ashley Marie

Ashley Marie


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Milford, IL
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About Me

I love to write, because it's the only place where I'm not judged, where I can be myself. And even if no one else evers thinks anything of my writing, that's still okay, cause it's everything to me. I write mainly poems, not of any particular style. I've been writing for almost 6 years now, since I was in seventh grade, and it's something I'll continue with into adulthood and old age. The career I'm pursuing is Journalism, because I know I have a voice, and I have opinions, and I'd like to make sure they are heard. Every person is on earth to make an impact, and writing is the way for me to make my impact. I hope that you might find a poem or two of mine you like. If so, that's awesome, and I'm happy that I can share them with you. And if not, well, you don't have to read them, do you? And it'll never change their importance to me.