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A Poem by Atticus

About Me

My name is Atticus. I'm twenty years old. I'm a FTM. I chose my name from To Kill a Mockingbird for a lot of different reasons, mainly I have a mega-crush on Gregory Peck and Atticus Finch has sort of been my "role model" since I first read the book. I write a lot about my dogs, sometimes from their points of view. I have four dogs: two pit bulls (Ruca and Huxley) and two dachshund mixes (Dylan and Theodore). I also have ten aquariums and reference them frequently. Apart from writing, I also enjoy knitting, baking, Disney movies, and painting, as well as aquascaping and couponing. I work at a humane society where I work daily with abused or abandoned dogs and cats. When I get off work, I really just love to sit on the sofa with the kids and just chill out. I've got tons of dog training tips, if anyone wants any.