Laura E. Aranda : Writing

My Husband

My Husband

A Poem by Laura E. Aranda

The second of these silly things I am creating due to the fact I saw one on other's page and am trying my hand at them! ha!
What I believe, do I live

What I believe, do I live

A Poem by Laura E. Aranda

Written for a contest here in the cafe
School Teachers' Remorse

School Teachers\' Remorse

A Poem by Laura E. Aranda

I stole this idea from a new friend, Rea and hopefully he doesn't mind!!! haha Enjoy the silliness of it all.....
Sweet Consuming Homeland

Sweet Consuming Homeland

A Poem by Laura E. Aranda

Try to imagine the horrors throughout the years Africans have been through....I don't think I could describe their horrors in the briefness of words....
Today I took the girls to the park to play....

Today I took the girls to the park to play....

A Poem by Laura E. Aranda

I am at the park now and I write online as they swing.......
Old man and the boy

Old man and the boy

A Poem by Laura E. Aranda

Be careful what you compliment
Realms Unfamiliar

Realms Unfamiliar

A Poem by Laura E. Aranda

~My thoughts about the new pieces I want to write
What made you leave so soon?

What made you leave so soon?

A Poem by Laura E. Aranda

This is the fourth and final season poem I have to offer
All my talents

All my talents

A Poem by Laura E. Aranda

Inspired by Shel Silverstein's poem 'If'. Enjoy