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About Me

Hey there.
My name is Amber.
I am me, Plain & Simple.
I love writing.
Also Drawing.
I support Gaaraism.
It's my religion.
You could tell right off the bat, if you knew me in person.
I have wonderful friends, and i am taken by the sweetest boy in the world! (4*9*08) (Desparo33)
I write stories about my favorite Naruto characters (mainly Gaara), and a few other animes.
I know i dont have any stories posted so far, but that'll change.
I deleted all of my other stories.
No one read them.
That's okay though.
Hopefully that'll change when stuff actually gets posted on here.
I used to be a Quizillian, but that site died.
I hate it.
I wonder how many people actually petitioned to get that site back to the old design?
I'm happily content here, on WritersCafe.
I have AIM ---> BelievexItxCha
Done be afraid to IM me.
Im a very nice person.
Random, yes, but nice. :)
I like HT.
Bestest store ever.
I'm into Japanese music.
And other countries as well.
Utada Hikaru is my Japanese idol!
...They should make a Japanese Idol show, like American Idol, and broadcast it in America, so we can watch it.
And maybe someone should dress up like Naruto, and sing one of the openings?
That'd be sweeeeet.
Anywho, Message or IM me.
I dont Bite! ;)

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Posted 15 Years Ago

Hey amber whats up? ILYM

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Posted 15 Years Ago

Don't worry, everyone says she's a b***h. Lol. And yeah, he's going to be buying me a ring. I really can't wait.

My mom hasn't budged on her decision about him not being allowed to stay at the house, so I literally just spent the past three hours looking for cheap places for him to stay that are fairly close. I found some good ones, so I think he'll be able to come visit. I told him I could always help him pay for a place, which he doesn't want me to do since I'm pretty tight on money, but I really want to see him to it's worth the money.

I'm really hoping his leave gets approved so that he can come see me.

Anyway, how have you been?

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Posted 15 Years Ago

Ilym Amber... so dont deny it (i said dont) [STOP IT!]

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Posted 15 Years Ago

Yeah. Grim, my boyfriend Josh, is supposed to be visiting for a week this summer, and my mom is making him stay at a hotel instead of letting him stay at my house like he did last time, but he won't be able to stay in the hotel without putting himself in debt. My mom said she doesn't care even though he has to pay for his plane ticket to Rhode Island from Virginia, and then a plane ticket back. She doesn't want to contribute towards paying for the hotel room either. She knows I really want to see him, especially since this will be the last time I get to see him other than if he manages to take leave in December, which he already said he would most likely spend with his family in South Carolina since he didn't spend Christmas with his family last year. Plus, he's going to be in Iraq from January to some time in August, so I'm never going to be able to talk to him. He's planning on buying me a ring and moving me down there as soon as he gets enough money to do so once I finish my last year of school, and since his pay will be better while he's out at see, he'll be able to do so sooner. It's kind of worth the wait, but long distance relationships still suck sometimes. =/

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Posted 15 Years Ago

Hey. I'm okay. Dealing with a lot of stupid s**t with my mom about my boyfriend. Hopefully it'll pass soon. I haven't been able to work on my stories lately because of school and stupid family drama. I'm hoping to add more to my stories this summer. I havent worked on any since back in December. xD

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Posted 15 Years Ago

hey it's meriah! ^.^

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Posted 15 Years Ago

Ily amber :)

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Posted 15 Years Ago

You're welcome! The more friends, the better!

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Posted 15 Years Ago

Two hours of sleep is definitely not healthy, and neither is onlyn eating roughly one meal a day... oh well. When my body crashes and burns, it crashes and burns. Lack of food and sleep deprivation is slowly taking its toll on my body but habits are hard to break...

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Posted 15 Years Ago

Lol. Gaaraism is the best religion. I'm so glad you made it. I wonder why I never thought of it... eh, well, my brain has been dead for a few months from hardly any sleep. Lol. Two hours of sleep a night isn't healthy... I think...