Brandon Forry : Writing

Winter Life

Winter Life

A Poem by Brandon Forry

I would that life could always last. I can relish in the warmth around me,but I'm cold.This life is cold.The cold keeps me alive.Keeps me breathing.I ..
Winter Tanka

Winter Tanka

A Poem by Brandon Forry

I feel myself soarwhen I look upon the topof the wintry heights;to fly quiet lands unknown,falling through snow white landscapes.


A Poem by Brandon Forry

My thoughts one night, put into some semblance of verse.
City Monoliths

City Monoliths

A Poem by Brandon Forry

Might as well upload some poetry while I'm at it. A tanka.
Life's Unknown

Life's Unknown

A Story by Brandon Forry

He sat with his back to the sun, its rays shining through the southward facing windows. He wasn’t precisely basking; the sun wasn’t stron..