cassandra violet : Writing

What I've Been

What I've Been

A Poem by cassandra violet

I've been all of these things...
The Duty

The Duty

A Story by cassandra violet

What is more important- our duty to our heart or society?
Coming Out of the Cannabis Closet

Coming Out of the Cannabis Closet

A Story by cassandra violet

This is a story about my mother and I reconnecting after 8 years of not seeing each other.
The Flight of Butterflies

The Flight of Butterflies

A Story by cassandra violet

This is a creative narrative essay I wrote about the biggest transformation that I went through in my life recently.
The Wisdom of the Moon

The Wisdom of the Moon

A Poem by cassandra violet

A poem about not taking others advice and learning the lesson on our own.
Drifting Upon Shore

Drifting Upon Shore

A Poem by cassandra violet

A poem about how depression decays the soul
Everlasting Light

Everlasting Light

A Poem by cassandra violet

A love poem, but one with a sad ending.
The Breath of Love

The Breath of Love

A Poem by cassandra violet

a love poem


A Poem by cassandra violet

A love poem :)


A Poem by cassandra violet

The relationship between my mother and I.

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