SurferGirl Cindy

SurferGirl Cindy


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Los Angeles, CA
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About Me

Physical description,

Height; 5 feet 3 inches

Weight; 105 pounds

Hair color; Brown

Eye color; Brown

Measurements; 34b-24-34

Dress size; 1

Jeans size; 00

Shoe size; 6

Overall size; XS Petite

Worse feature; My fingers and toes are too long and I�m kinda short.

Best feature; My tongue is about 6 inches long and I have a big smile.

If I could change one thing about myself physically it would be my height, I would want to be at least 5feet 6 inches tall. (Ok two things, my nose�make it a tiny bit smaller)

What I like to do,

I love surfing, I even like hanging back waiting for my wave or watching someone riding their�s. I gives me a sense belonging. It�s kinda hard to explain but I feel as though I have clarity when I�m out there on my board. All the everyday B.S. that clouds up my mine just doesn�t matter and I feel energized.

I like to shop like most I guess, even though my wardrobe consists mainly of jeans and shirts. We won�t even talk about shoes; let�s just say I have a lot more than I need. For the most part I really like going to the malls, guess that makes me a mall rat!

I like to drive around, not to anywhere just driving. Its kewl to see new places, kinda exploration via the car. I make thousands of stops to check out stores, shops, and local stuff. I found an Old Mexican Mission outside of Salado, Texas on time. It was on this mans farm and even though it was run down you could still see the paintings on the ceiling�beautiful!

I like to listen to my music, it takes me where ever I want and expresses what I�m feeling at the time so if you hear Holla back girl or Dirty deeds done dirt cheap, I�m Pissed off! LOL!

I really enjoy writing, although you wouldn�t be able to tell due to all the grammar mistakes I make. I do love to express myself in writing, that�s what my page is for to me anyway.

I also like to watch TV and go to the movies. I even like to watch football, I have two teams I watch, the Dallas Cowboys and UCLA Bruins! I don�t go crazy and start cursing or yelling but I get into it!

What I dislike,

I don�t like it when guys cat call or honk at me when I�m walking. Guys really, that scares the hell outta girls when you do it and we think you�re an a*****e. If you want to know a secret, if you just smile it goes a long way.

I don�t like the pick up lines either; the worst I�ve heard was �If this knee was thanksgiving and that knee was Christmas would you let me cum between the holidays?�

I really don�t like it when someone wants to cam 2 cam or ask me for pictures. Also a few people who have had people lie to them or something always want proof of who you
are. I can understand there concern but I don�t need it. I�m not going to do anything to try and prove myself so if that�s what you need then just leave me alone. I really don�t fell the need to prove anything to anyone I don�t really know. I will tell you this, if we do become friends you will get what ever proof you could imagine that I am me!

To sum it all up, I'm still a teenager who had it hard growing up and am trying to make the best out of whats left, so if I act childish or not really what you could see in a friend then Keep moving!


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Posted 16 Years Ago

Thank you Cindy for the comment you left for me. I will think about entering, tho honestly it scares me...
I hope everything is well for you girl,ttys love`n hugs to ya always :)

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Cool, if I could I'd be surfing at that time as well.
I look forward to reading it,I'm gonna put dinner in `n I'll check it out...
Things are just....well, it's hard to explain. I'm not really sure what's going on, but yes as you can tell things aren't okay w/ me. Thank you for caring so much, I'm really glad we're ya girl!
Bare w/ me sweetie I'm sure everything will be fine soon! I hope so anyways :( :) Makes for good writing tho ;)
Gotta run `n take care of my li'l angels~~Hugs~~

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Hi, nice to see ya here as well!