Constance-Outspoken : Writing

Midnight Splendor

Midnight Splendor

A Poem by Constance-Outspoken

For the 500 words group... decided to make this one into an epic poem
Of Poets and Their Purges

Of Poets and Their Purges

A Poem by Constance-Outspoken

Poets are not made by publishing firms norprofessors of prose in finer institutionsborn apart, borne of imaginings are we,existentially emoted by the ..
Peer Inward (the Koi's Song)

Peer Inward (the Koi's Song)

A Poem by Constance-Outspoken

For the Creative Poetry group... had to use the words: humidity, coincidental, indigo, enticement, waves, shards... in a poem about any kind of water...
Part One (She Needed a Little Excitement)

Part One (She Needed a Little Excitement)

A Chapter by Constance-Outspoken

Meet our duo, the crazy lady and the man she found boring...
Part Two (Dirty Little Thoughts)

Part Two (Dirty Little Thoughts)

A Chapter by Constance-Outspoken

Things are heating up... perhaps.
Part Three (Or Bust)

Part Three (Or Bust)

A Chapter by Constance-Outspoken

The adventure begins anew...
Seeking Justice

Seeking Justice

A Book by Constance-Outspoken

I started this one while blogging on Myspace a few years ago.
The Soul (Unbinding)

The Soul (Unbinding)

A Poem by Constance-Outspoken

A poem for the "poetry and lyrical challenge" group, where we were given the title "The Soul" and the theme "inner peace".
Summer Solstice

Summer Solstice

A Story by Constance-Outspoken

For the 500 Words group... had to use the title Summer Solstice, write in the past tense, and depart from our normal "genre" of writing.
Perversion's New Identity

Perversion's New Identity

A Poem by Constance-Outspoken

for the creative poetry group, word list: perverse, abyss, alabaster, melodic,dragon,fiery

The Shadow On My Shoulder
There is an angel who sits upon my shoulder who goes by the name of Death...
Compartment 114
Compartment 114