Love Me Not
1986, Penny Herrera falls into the predatory clutches of Matt, an older man who has no other intention than to alter Pen
Compartment 114
Compartment 114

120 Words or Less; Can you do it? Part 3  July 2, 2007 - July 9, 2007

Contest Completed


First Place Flash - [writing deleted]
Second Place Flash - [writing deleted]
Third Place Flash - [writing deleted]
Honorable Mention - [writing deleted]


Here we go again, folks. We had some confusion on the last contest, which we shouldn't have in this one. Its my fault for not explaining it well.

Rule #1: It must be under 120 words, using 6 prompt words and a word of your choosing. However this time around, I will supply ALL 7 seven words, so there's no need to pick one this week.

Rule #2: On your description, mention that your work is for this contest and include a word count. I would appreciate it.

And that's it! Next week the rules will change a little when I go back to the usual format. But for now, they'll work.

Here are the 7 words this week:








These are the 7 same words that I saw in a different contest, and I would like to see what you guys do with them.

Remember, the work can be anything. Scary, spiritual, experimental, whatever of your choosing as long as it's well written and has no spelling or grammar errors. It counts--not as much--so if you do have a typo or two, don't fret, but it shouldn't be filled with them, unless its necessary for the work.

Don't forget--you can submit more than once, so feel free to keep entering. I will decide which works are best-I will limit you to one work if two are great (unless they're just fantastic, maybe then I would cave and give you two rewards) but you have multiple chances to shine.

One week guys.. let's go!


Pride and a feeling of accomplishment


Shanna Wynne
Shanna Wynne
Lawton, OK


Created Jul 2, 2007