Acrostix  July 15, 2007 - August 10, 2007

Contest Completed


First Place - [writing deleted]
Second Place - [writing deleted]
Third Place - [writing deleted]
Fourth Place - [writing deleted]
Fifth Place - [writing deleted]
Sixth Place - [writing deleted]
Seventh Place - [writing deleted]
Eighth Place - [writing deleted]
Honorable Mention - Writer\\\'s Block
Honorable Mention - [writing deleted]
Honorable Mention - [writing deleted]
Honorable Mention - [writing deleted]
Honorable Mention - [writing deleted]
Honorable Mention - [writing deleted]
Honorable Mention - [writing deleted]


Write an acrostic poem! :) Simple, right? No erotica. That's my only rule, I suppose. If you don't know what an acrostic poem is, here's an example:

Silvery golden rays dance
Under the clouds. The moon is
Nowhere to be seen.
Lazy dust lingers
In the wind visibly.
Geese bathe and splash in the water amidst
Heated waves.
Tarry here for a while.

The first letter of every line makes a big long word. :) Preferably that relates to, elaborates on, or coveys the message of the poem. :)


1st: Reviews and ratings on any five of your works (of your choosing). 2nd: Reviews and ratings on any 3 of your works (of your choosing). 3rd: Reviews and ratings on any 2 of your works (of your choosing).



Created Jul 15, 2007