Bully Pedestal  June 22, 2011 - June 30, 2011

Contest Completed


1st Place - LGBTQI
2nd Place - [writing deleted]
3rd Place - {Octopus Mimic}
Honorable Mention - Unbullied


Write a poem or a story about bullying. It can be about being bullied or standing up to a bully or the effects of bullying. Anything related to it.

ONLY BE THE VOICE MEMBERS. Do not try to join the group just so you can be in this contest. If you do, you will be denied and your writing will be disqualified.

Also, if you'd like to join our community, register at our main site:

It's free, easy, and friendly.

There will be two judges in this contest. If you submit anything that doesn't go with the theme, you will be disqualified.

ONLY POETRY AND STORIES. Anything else will be deleted.


$0.00, Featured On BTV Site


Alice Bounty
Alice Bounty
Lost Inside, TN


6 Contestants
10 Submissions
Created Jun 22, 2011