Confederation of Rock  June 12, 2011 - August 1, 2011

Contest Completed


Amazazing! - Drowning.
Pretty F**king Good - ^ IT ^
Pretty Good - Mr Todd
Good - The Apprentice's Wife
Alright - Not You
Gettin' There - [writing deleted]
Almost - Abandon
There - Organs Illegally Sold


To both celebrate the creation of my group, the Confederation of Rock, and to promote it, I offer this contest. Bear in mind that I'm new to the site and ergo, this is my first contest, so forgive me if it goes awry. I want something dark, either a poem or a short story (1000 words or less). Please try to shy away from the cliché. Scare me or sadden me. In addition to submiting a piece, feel free to join the Confederation of Rock! Limit 1 per person.


Self worth and External Approval


Daft Jester
Daft Jester
Ft. Leonard Wood, MO


12 Contestants
12 Submissions
Created Jun 13, 2011