Day of Remembrance  November 3, 2010 - November 11, 2010

Contest Completed


Perfection - [writing deleted]
Excellent - I Will Wait For You
Amazing - Legacy of A Warrior! -Veteran's Day Tribute


With that one day of the year coming up, I'd love to see your written works on the men who were constantly risking their lives for a freedom that we may or may not have. Once upon a time, fighting in the war was about peace and finding equality. what do you think of the veterans who were amongst only the thousands to survive out of the millions who died.

All types of written works are welcome, I want to see some tears people. This is about celebrating living today, and our lives today, it's also about recognizing their contribution. Try your best, and good luck!


The Satisfaction of knowing you're a Winner


MJ Durston
MJ Durston
Hamilton, Canada


7 Contestants
11 Submissions
Created Nov 3, 2010