Know That I Too
We are never alone (a poem for mental health month)
Love Me Not
1986, Penny Herrera falls into the predatory clutches of Matt, an older man who has no other intention than to alter Pen

I Want to Feel Something  May 30, 2013 - June 1, 2013

Contest Completed



This contest is for anything that can make me feel something. You can send in something about heartrending sorrow, bursting, joyful occurrences, secret love, or eerie, bone chilling stories.

I do have some guidelines though...

1) NO foul language or inappropriate content. (You know what I mean and I DON'T want to read it.)

2) Please pay careful attention to your grammar.

3) If you are writing for the "eerie, bone chilling, stories" mentioned above, please do not go overboard. I would rather not read ten short stories where people's limbs are being torn off and eaten in every single paragraph. It may take a lot to scare me, but I will be more impressed if you can give me a slightly haunting chill with impeccable grammar and story plot without all the excessive gore.

4) Have fun!


She With Eyes Like Unshed Tears
She With Eyes Like Unshed Tears
I live someplace where the wolf cry embodies those who are lonely, the drops of rain are tears of those who cry out in their hearts, and the flowers hold the perfume of their lonely, beautiful souls.


46 Contestants
105 Submissions
Created May 30, 2013