Know That I Too
We are never alone (a poem for mental health month)
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KERRY'S Thursday Challenge #3  July 28, 2011 - August 7, 2011

Contest Completed


Capote's Cat - [writing deleted]
Williams' Wheelbarrow - why I don't travel more
Vonnegut's Cradle - The Mean Reds
Hawthorne's Pearl - [writing deleted]
Lee's Mockingbird - free as home
Plath's Bee Box - Boulevard Blackbird
Burgess's Orange - [writing deleted]


Breakfast at Tiffany's is a novella by Truman Capote published in 1958. The novella tells the story of a one-year (autumn 1943 to autumn 1944) friendship between Holly Golightly, and an unnamed narrator. The two are both tenants in a brownstone apartment in Manhattan's Upper East Side. Holly Golightly (age 18-19) is a country girl turned New York café society girl, who entertains all the rich men she can find, hoping to snag one in marriage. Despite popular misconception, Capote explicitly denies that Holly is a call girl. Holly, who likes to stun people with her outspoken viewpoints on various topics, slowly reveals herself to the narrator who finds himself fascinated by her curious lifestyle. In the end Holly fears that she will never know what is really hers until after she has thrown it away.

Visit the Goodreads quote page and choose an excerpt from the novella to inspire your own ideas. Write a poem in any form or style, in which you explore the thoughts which arise. Please share the quote as a preface to your poem.


A Virtual Trip to NYC


Kerry O'Connor
Kerry O'Connor
South Africa


12 Contestants
12 Submissions
Created Jul 27, 2011