Keep Away From Your Phone!  November 17, 2014 - February 28, 2015

Contest Completed


Best Observation - Inspiration
Best Lesson I Had Ever Learn - What nature can teach you!
Best Experience - Backyard Sunsets
Best Creativity - [writing deleted]


The world is fantastic but fewer and fewer people can find that out. Why? Because everyone (at least most of them) are using their phone whenever they are. The world is wonderful and colourful, so I want you to write something about your daily life, no matter it is as small as doing your homework or as big as going to a funeral. It is all the same! Experience the world!

1. No foul language.
2. No sexy and lewd.
3. It must be about daily life. (No magic or super power please)
4. Please don't talk about day dreaming...
5. Grammar mistake will not be counted.
6. Each writer can only submit 3 writings.
7. Each writing submited will get a review from me as soon as possible!
8. There will be no word limit, but I recommend you to stay about 400-2000
9. Extra marks will be given if you learnt a lesson.
10. Experience the world! Stop hanging with your phone!

Enjoy XD


Every writing submitted will get a review from me as soon as possible.



14 Contestants
28 Submissions
Created Nov 17, 2014