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Open Mike Nights   September 1, 2009 - December 15, 2009

Contest Completed


Most Original - [writing deleted]
Best Slam - Betta 2 Hav Luv\'d & Lost, Then 2 Hav Neva Luv\'d at all
Most moving - The world lost its soul


I was looking for a contest specifically for spoken word poetry, but was surprised to see there are none, currently. So I created one. I want your best spoken word poetry.
It can be slam poetry, or something sentimental. Whichever you prefer, or one of each if you've got them both.

Two submissions per contestant. Only spoken word poetry, please. One voice, two voices, or many so long as I can understand what's being said. Have fun with it. Grammar overlooked. Originality counts.


a pretty ribbon


J Carly
J Carly
Milton, FL


9 Contestants
12 Submissions
Created Aug 30, 2009

Know That I Too
We are never alone (a poem for mental health month)
Compartment 114
Compartment 114