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Rant and Vent Contest  March 8, 2008 - April 1, 2008

Contest Completed


Top Spot For Creativity - [writing deleted]
Very Creative! - [writing deleted]
Creative! - [writing deleted]
Creative! - [writing deleted]
Creative! - [writing deleted]
Good job! - [writing deleted]
Good job! - [writing deleted]
Good job! - [writing deleted]
Good job! - [writing deleted]
Good job! - [writing deleted]


Seen some good vents and rants about things, curious to see more.

Vent and rant about anything in particular - political, Writerscafe, Art, hollywood etc.

The most creative rant will get the Top Spot Award in creativity.

***If at all possible, please do not submit any 'relationship' like stuff. like why didnt you choose me? why her type deals... I really don't want to hear that kind of stuff. I would really like something to hold my attention. Thanks.***


Medals, if time allows Reviews.


Beautifully Tragic xPoetry Queen
Beautifully Tragic xPoetry Queen
Passionate kisses of a mind gone wild, NJ


32 Contestants
63 Submissions
Created Mar 8, 2008