The Best *only*  August 14, 2011 - August 31, 2011

Reading and Deliberating


As you see there are many contests out there, all wanting something. Whether its a poem, a short story, a entire book, a cetrain genre, etc. You are stuck submitting only one of your best pieces when you have others that are just as good!
Here at The Best contest we want ALL of you best work! But, here is the catch... It must be your ABSOLUTE best work, nothing less. Which means you must follow these requirements.

1.) Must be a poem, short story, chapter, book, Screenplay, or Stage Play.
2.) Must have no foul lanuage, erotic writing, or repulsive words. * if it uses foul lanuage it must be written in this format: A**, F**K, B***H, etc.*
3.) Abosulty no writting LiKe ThIs.
4.) Must be in Comic Sams font (it makes it easier for me to read) *optional*
5.) No Grammar or spelling errors, at all! or work will not be accepted.
6.) After submission, please send me a message with the name of the piece you have submitted in the subject and what genre it is. Write a SMALL autobiography of yourself in the body (this will tell a little bit of who the writter really is.). What genres interest you? Hobbies outside of writting? etc. THIS DOES NOT HAVE TO BE LONG! BUT is a MUST!
7.) You can submit FIVE of your best pieces only!
8.) If submitting a book, it must be a COMPLETE book! Other wise submit it as a chapter.
9.) Screenplays and stage plays must be short, almost like a SNEAK PEAK!! Think movie preview..
10.) Just have Fun!


Grande Prize: None (sorry I'm BROKE!!)


Grand Prize Grand Prize


Megan Step
Megan Step
Gilbert, AZ


29 Contestants
113 Submissions
Created Aug 15, 2011

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  • Any Member can Submit
  • All types of Writing can be Submitted
  • All Genres of Writing can be Submitted
  • Each Contestant May Submit 5 Pieces of Writing
  • Writing may be submitted 8/14/2011 - 8/31/2011
  • Winners will be decided by the Moderator


Megan Step is solely responsible for the content of this contest, including all promised prizes. Take any promises of large monetary awards with a grain of salt. Contact Megan Step if you have any further questions.