The Machine  May 31, 2008 - July 10, 2008

Contest Completed


Grandfather Clock - [writing deleted]
Pendulum Clock - Fall of Mankind
Cuckoo Clock - [writing deleted]
Pocket Watch - The Machine
Wrist Watch - Ace


Write a piece that revolves around a machine. The machine may be completely fabricated or real, even a 'machine' that we may use every day and take for granted. The setting and genre are for you to decide. All types of writing are allowed.

EDIT: All entries must be under 4000 words. I love long stories :) Hit me.
Not a requirement, but I'd love to see some steampunk if at all possible.
Creativity is key!

EDIT: EXTENDED DEADLINE TO JULY 10th DUE TO AVAILABILITY ISSUES. I will be away on vacation from July 1-8th. I am sorry if this has inconvenienced anyone, but hopefully it will allow for another entry or two.


An in-depth review of the winning piece and another piece from the winner


Piper Sullivan
Piper Sullivan
On the Mountain, AZ


12 Contestants
13 Submissions
Created May 29, 2008