cooldude01 : Writing

Chapter 1 The meet

Chapter 1 The meet

A Chapter by cooldude01

Max powersvine has just finished school for the day, he was walking home when he meet Emily dawnstone at the shop, they talked about school and the ..
Chapter 2 The date and girlfriend

Chapter 2 The date and girlfriend

A Chapter by cooldude01

When they meet next, Max asked Emily on a date, which she replied yes. When Emily got home she told her parents that she was asked to go on a..
Chapter 3 The first kiss

Chapter 3 The first kiss

A Chapter by cooldude01

On the night of their 3 date, it started by Max picking up Emily from her place and he toke her back to mystic Japanese after dinner they had their ..
Chapter 4 The engagement

Chapter 4 The engagement

A Chapter by cooldude01

They both finished school at 17 years old. Years later they are both 20 years old, so Max takes Emily back to where they first meet and he asks Emil..