You Never Expected a Call From Me

You Never Expected a Call From Me

A Lesson by maria ( rose)

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"Hello," said the voice on the phone. "My name is __________. I know you never expected a call from me, as famous as I am, but I've been given your name as someone who can help me _______." (Write a story that follows this line.)

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Posted 6 Years Ago

I pick up my phone nearby, which is buzzing loudly.
"Hello" says an unfamiliar voice on the phone.
"My name is Obama"
My jaw goes slack and I turn up the volume as high as it can go.
"I know you never expected a call from me, as famous as I am, but I've been given your name as someone who can help me. This is Sky Arta of the secret service right?"
I swallow nervously.
'Yes sir" I answer, my heart pounding.
The voice on the phone draw's in a breath.
"I was hoping that you help me out with something. As you know, Donald Trump has taken office, and I am now retired. After I left the White house, I forgot a file containing some very important information that Donald Trump must not know about. Please don't ask any questions, it will make it easier. Anyway, I was hoping that you could retrieve them for me, you would be rewarded heavily"
I tap my chin thoughtfully, knowing that Obama is asking a very dangerous favor. The President's office is very heavily guarded, But we do owe Obama for what he did for our country in the past.
"Yes sir, I will do it"

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Posted 7 Years Ago

I would love to read your stories if you decide to use some of the writing prompts I post here. Please if you do let me know so I can read them or post here in the comment section Thank You so much. maria
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