Description and Names(not title for what's written)

Description and Names(not title for what's written)

A Lesson by gayle48

Name selection, used a writing prompt, and added descriptions of scenery


  The smell of freshly-cut grass woke up Lilli Anne’s nose to the warm spring air. The birds were chirping and looking for bugs, and the sun was shining lustrously. The rays from the sun were making all plant life grow and be green again. Ahhh, life seemed to be coming back again.  Summer was just around the bend. School would be coming to a close for a few months for all the kids and perhaps for the few who would not be graduating from high school.

  Lilli Anne’s parents had plans for her and her brother, Dave, and sister, Katelyn. Before the end of the school year they were planning to plant a garden. It was to be a small kitchen garden mainly of herbs, lettuces, tomatoes, but also some flowers. 


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Added on January 2, 2013
Last Updated on January 2, 2013

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Hi, Ever since I was a little girl I always wanted to write but thought that what I wrote was lame. Fast forwarding now I'm finally answering to the call of writing. Currently, have a degree in we..