Sticking Together

Sticking Together

A Lesson by H L Rose

The first lesson on how not to be a gooey chocolate chip cookie is about sticking together and not falling apart.


Stick together. If you don’t you’ll fall a sticky, chocolaty mess.


This first rule might come across as painfully obvious to some, but the importance of sticking together is often overlooked, as is the danger of falling apart.


Common Misconceptions of Sticking Together

In our flippant attitude towards sticking together we often miscategorize what it means. This miscategorization leaves an easy opening for the sneaky danger of falling apart to creep in.


What sticking together is not:

1.) Sticking together is not pretending.

  • We cookies like to look clean and reliable but when you try to pick us up our gooey chocolaty brokenness is made all too obvious and we fall apart on the pan.
  • There are no long term benefits to pretending and ignoring our brokenness, only embarrassment when our true state is revealed.

2.) Sticking together is not individualistic.  

  • When it comes to our ability to stick together, it is utterly useless to try to do so alone.
  • Our baker has put fellow cookies on our pan for a reason.
  • It is silly to think we can cook ourselves when it is the baker who mixed our batter and put us in the oven.


How we fall apart:

1.) We set ourselves up for failure.

  • By not recognizing our gooeyness, we remain gooey and do not focus on our need to stick together.
  • We see sticking together as a solitary act and try to do so without the help of our fellow cookies or our baker.

2.) We think it's okay to be gooey.

  • We do not recognize the severity of our gooeyness.
  • We reject the calls from our fellow cookies to take stands on what is good and truly delicious.
  • We reject the call from our baker to be good and we decide we know best about how to be truly delicious.


What sticking together is:

1.) Sticking together is being real and honest.

2.) Sticking together is recognizing the folly of gooeyness.

3.) Sticking together is relying on your fellow cookies.

4.) Sticking together is relying on your baker.


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Added on October 18, 2019
Last Updated on October 18, 2019

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H L Rose
H L Rose

Who knows , 🤷‍♀️

I aspire to be all that he’s created me to be! 9 Rules on How Not to Be a Gooey Chocolate Chip Cookie 1.) Stick together. If you don’t you’ll fall a sticky, chocolat..