Six Influences of Nightmares for Literary work

Six Influences of Nightmares for Literary work

A Lesson by 1809 Black Plague December

Six influences of influence based on Nightmares for Literary Work in such genre.





Pen Name: 1809 Black Plague December


What makes inspiration? In the literary world?  There is variant writing that appease such.  One: Nightmares.  A psychologist once asked me do you want to stop your nightmares?  Do you never want to dream.  My mind thumped dishonestly disheveled.  My heart stopped pulping.  What a gland.  I died.  Then what would I show for.  Two: Nightmares.  Nightmares can vivid or find your imagination.  Nightmares are both be a fantasy world of delight, humor, a little darkness of course.  It is, in fact, a nightmare.  Three: Nightmares.  Sexuality, Dreams that overtake your inhibitions.  Four: Nightmares.  The thought of loss, what is unattainable defiance to the spirit world or the grasp of a God whence such defied or tormented by the outward Dark’n world.    Fight: Nightmares.  Live the prominence of your world.  The greatest fears are spoken and lived.  The places become the road.  Live the road.  Six: Nightmares.  Loosen to your dark unconscious, subconscious, mind.  Even a laughter, a creek, a doorbell can master. 



----1809 Black Plague December.


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Added on May 14, 2023
Last Updated on May 14, 2023

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1809 Black Plague December
1809 Black Plague December

north hollywood, CA

1809 Black Plague December. Hellos. I love Old English. I earn my characters to horrorrofy my audience. Please forgive my indiscretions or seemingly poise of arrogance, it is not meant at all. ..