fools gold

fools gold

A Lesson by Shantel Moore

this is one about a play that one of my teachers not only wrote but got our drama club to preform


“Fool’s Gold,” is a humorously funny, but also very serious, play about an old Tinker, played by Junior Kelly Mooney, who has a tendency to forget things but gets a job working for “the Royals.”

   Mooney took this part and made it his own.

   The Tinker leaves his responsible, self-confidence lacking, and very intelligent daughter Kate, in charge of his shop. He tells her no one is to come over. Meaning no friends, especially boys. This was played amazingly well by senior Teresa Barnes who seems very much like this character except for the low self-esteem.

   He also has Farfel, played by junior Sam Johnson, a dimwitted but good-hearted stable boy, to take care of anything that Kate has him do. The only problem with Farfel is he falls short of expectations. Johnson played this part really well.

   The Tinker than heads out for the palace, but along the way he meets a very clever con man Doctor Duckett, played by senior Daniel Sheldon, who does an amazing job at capturing such a devious cheater. Duckett not only tricks the old Tinker but also steals his identification papers. This gives him the idea of a dastardly scheme of tricking the town of Gulliford into giving him their money.

   Doctor Duckett heads out for Gulliford. He finds the old Tinkers’ store and goes in. When Kate asks the strange man what he is doing here and who he is, he simply lies. “I am an old friend of your family. Your father said anytime I was in town and was seeking shelter I could stay with him.”

   The plot continues to thicken becoming more exciting with every moment.

   I really enjoyed watching this play. It was very funny and had a suspenseful plot to it. I feel bad for anyone who missed this play, its one of the best I have seen.

   The cast worked really hard and I was pleased at how entertaining it was. If “Fool’s Gold” were a movie, it would be my favorite.

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Added on March 24, 2011
Last Updated on March 24, 2011
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Shantel Moore
Shantel Moore

Boise, ID

Writing is in my blood Its how i communicate. Welcome to my world. Enjoy the ride of Emotions, situations, and thoughts. Im just as crazy as you would expect.