Amber-The-Panda : Writing

Chapter 2: Meeting Someone New

Chapter 2: Meeting Someone New

A Chapter by Amber-The-Panda

On Monday moning I did not want to get out of bed. Last night the 'dog' dream came back to haunt me, and I woke in the middle of the night screaming. ..
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A Book by Amber-The-Panda

A girl who fears dogs meets a guy who seems to good to be true.
In My World

In My World

A Poem by Amber-The-Panda

I wrote this out of boredom!
Breaking Up

Breaking Up

A Story by Amber-The-Panda

None of this has happened... yet...
The Rain

The Rain

A Poem by Amber-The-Panda

The rain screams for me,falling from the soft blossoming treeIt screams my name,dead, what a shameBut there is hope for the drop of love,for the sky u..
72 x Pi = Unicorns Jumping Over Rainbows

72 x Pi = Unicorns Jumping Over Rainbows

A Story by Amber-The-Panda

I wrote this when I was bored...
The Hallway We Walk

The Hallway We Walk

A Story by Amber-The-Panda

Emptiness in my thoughts, my body, my motions.Even when I step I feel there is no floor beneath me.Just me and this constant void and when I look up I..
If I were a soup...

If I were a soup...

A Poem by Amber-The-Panda

I wrote this when I was bored. It is kind of corny...
Stuck Behind a Window

Stuck Behind a Window

A Poem by Amber-The-Panda

Through a window one can only see,Never touch,Never be.Not knowing the smells or littlest of soundsNever finding, nor being found.Always stuck behind ..
Monster Girl

Monster Girl

A Poem by Amber-The-Panda

Lacuna and I wrote this, together. Yay friendship!

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