Callie Warren

Callie Warren


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About Me

Well hello there! Come take a seat in my study. Yep right on that big comfy beanbag chair in front of the fire.

You want hot chocolate?

You do! Here's a mug and some cookies!

I'm Callie and I shall be your host for your lovely visit on my profile.

I hope you like everything on this lovely page, even with some of the books are not passed the first chapter.

As you can probable tell I'm a procrastinator, but I'm working to fix that. And if you haven't already tell by what most of my books are about.... I enjoy fantasy and things that are fake but haven't really been proven not to be real.

So yes, I sorta believe in vampire, werewolf, witches, demons, ghost, and all that s**t. When I say sorta I mean I know they probable don't exist but it's fun pretending they do.

I hope I;m not boring my guest from my endless talking but I still have to tell you a few more things.

I am open to criticism, manly because I know my grammar sucks and I'm not quite sure how to fix that, and also, I believe to become a professional comic/novelist I need it to become better at what I love and learn to grow from it.

And yes, I do plan on making a comic. Actually I'm already working on one? >_< Yes I know shocking! but I love to draw and I have so many idea's in my mind that I can't explain on anything but paper! I am hoping i'll be able to post some pages up here in the next month but if not I hope I'll be able to put it on tumblr or something.

Before you leave in frustration of my poor grammar and babbling on about myself I want you to know, I am also helpful. If you have a problem with your stories don't be shy to ask me. Even though I have no grammar, I'm pretty creative and will love to help an aspiring novelist with all that I have in my mind.

So good bye dear guest, and have a safe trip on this lovely cite.


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Posted 11 Years Ago

Pretty good

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Posted 11 Years Ago

hey how are you doing

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Posted 11 Years Ago

send a friend reuest to Kinnixk