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A Great Website A Great Website

A Story by Cass

Free Day Free Day

A Story by Cass

Happy Me Happy Me

A Book by Cass

The Drawing The Drawing

A Poem by Cass

Free Free

A Poem by Cass

A Kid A Kid

A Poem by Cass

Laugh Laugh

A Poem by Cass

Smile Smile

A Book by Cass

A Dark Shadow A Dark Shadow

A Poem by Cass

A Quick Look A Quick Look

A Story by Cass

About Me

I have always loved to read and write. I have been doing it for quite sometime and I hope I can improve my writing on this site. I hope all of my most pieces are on this site and I hope to use it far a long long time.


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Posted 12 Years Ago

I would love to thank you for all of the sweet reviews! They bring a smile to my face, when I read them all :) Again thank-you. You're an excellent writer yourself just for you to know.

Your friend Ashley Rivers--Dream BIG and you'll win BIG:)