The Rock And Roll Cowboy(REBEL WITH A CAUSE) : Writing

Holy Haiku

Holy Haiku

A Poem by The Rock And Roll Cowboy(..

God is the greatest Artist and muse in the world Creative amen


A Poem by The Rock And Roll Cowboy(..

For a lady at my church that has fully caught my attention to say the least
The DAG  chapter 1

The DAG chapter 1

A Chapter by The Rock And Roll Cowboy(..

there’s a saying about being careful what you wish for. for Danny Johnson It was to be more adventurous and have the guts to stare danger in the..
The DAG chapter 2

The DAG chapter 2

A Chapter by The Rock And Roll Cowboy(..

Red and blue lights lit up the night sky. Danny sat in the back of the squad car watching the activity. Wet, confused, and deeply sad. He couldn&rsquo..
The DAG chapter 3

The DAG chapter 3

A Chapter by The Rock And Roll Cowboy(..

Jermaine Willows and Stephen Hawks have been partners for three years. Right after Willows Transferred from San Fransisco To Modesto. The only thing W..
The DAG chapter 4

The DAG chapter 4

A Chapter by The Rock And Roll Cowboy(..

Sleeping on a bed in county lock-up was as uncomfortable as sleeping on a road. In fact, Danny figured he would have slept better there. The pillow wa..
The dag chapter 5

The dag chapter 5

A Chapter by The Rock And Roll Cowboy(..

George Emerson wasn’t just a family lawyer. He is also a long-time friend of his father. The two were inseparable from grade school to high scho..
The DAG chapter 6

The DAG chapter 6

A Chapter by The Rock And Roll Cowboy(..

The investigation lasted nearly an hour. Hawks expressing many theories like Debbie decided to dump him and he killed her in a jealous rage. He even s..
The dag  CHAPYER 7

The dag CHAPYER 7

A Chapter by The Rock And Roll Cowboy(..

“You want to tell me what the hell that was all about,” Willows demanded as slammed the door to the break room shut. “Maybe next tim..
The DAG chapter 8

The DAG chapter 8

A Chapter by The Rock And Roll Cowboy(..

Although the courtroom was large Danny felt like he was in a coffin. While waiting for the bail hearing to start Danny watched the reports and curious..

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